Every company has its own destiny. The story turnaround of Pro Drei Management GmbH, founded in 2004, is to reposition itself in order to operate the top software development in the field of software modernization (legacy code) for our customers.

With services in the field of IT consulting, individual software development and project management, we want to relieve the IT departments of our industrial customers. Technologically outdated products should be adapted for reasons of security and performance. The need to find employees with specific IT expertise is constantly increasing.

On our website we have summarized a complete list of technologies for you. We are happy to take over the outsourcing as part of the transition to a new software technology for you. Our international IT pool of developers is available for this purpose. 

Our most important goal is to accompany the accepted challenge responsibly and in the interests of our customers until it is fully integrated into your IT landscape. To ensure that it succeeds well, our “Three P” concept is available: 

“Projects” includes project implementation for industrial companies whose IT departments are to be supported by external developers. We work according to the Scrum Master principle in order to make agile software development comprehensible and transparent for you.

“Products” are services in the field of software modernization, data migration, individual software enhancement and IT landscape harmonization, such as programming the interface. In other words, products that are to be created in the interests of our customers.

“People” We take responsibility for the overall development, even if the IT departments of the customers decide to import certain technologies from abroad for reasons of efficiency. We take over the team management of the remote teams. In addition, we support customers in taking over the external developers.

Our “3 Ps” ensure the highest quality and efficiency from Austria from a single source.